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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Newbery #2 Olive's Ocean

Olive's Ocean (2003)
written by Kevin Henkes
Newbery Honor Book 2004
Based on a few comments on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com, I decided this would be a book NOT suitable for younger students. I did feel that it would be a title that would probably keep my attention, and that it did! I read the entire book in one day! The book is suggested for ages 10 and up, but I would prefer at least 12 and up due to some adult references.

I was intrigued when discovering the book focused on Martha Boyle, the main character, receiving a page of Olive Bastrow's journal. Olive had been killed in a car accident a few weeks before summer vacation. Olive's mother brought Martha a page of Olive's journal. This journal entry discussed all the things Olive wanted to do in the future including going to the ocean and being friends with Martha.

As Martha's family heads to Cape Cod to visit their grandmother for summer vacation, Martha is battling with the information in the journal entry and problems with her family. Quality time with her grandmother, Godbe, puts several things into perspective for Martha. After a bet made between boys causes heartbreak, Martha almost drowns in the ocean. This is when she decided  her life isn't that bad. She collects some water from the ocean to take back to Olive's mother. To Martha, the water symbolized Olive getting her trip to the ocean.

When she returns home, she is surprised to find that Olive's mother has moved out of town. Martha then finds a creative way to honor Olive's memory using the water from the ocean. I will not spoil the ending for you!!

This would be a book I would want my own daughter, someday, to read when she is about 12 or 13 years old. It addresses many issues that girls face when at this age. I would have liked to have read this book when I was in middle school because I probably would have not taken certain situations to heart as much as I did. As I said before, this is not a book for younger students, even if they read at a high level. A since of maturity is needed when reading this book. This would be a great mother-daughter book club title.

This was the first chapter book I have read by Kevin Henkes. I own just about every picture book he has had published. He did a wonderful job of writing this book, which surprised me due to his picture book background. I will certainly place this book on a shelve for the future!

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