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Friday, April 29, 2011

International Literature #1: "Let's Get a Pup!" Said Kate

"Let's Get a Pup!" said Kate
written and illustrated by Bob Graham
Orignially published in Australia
I am a dog saver, a dog lover and a dog book reader! This book was very endearing and follows Kate and her family while they are looking for the perfect dog. What I like most about this book was that the family went to an animal shelter to find the perfect dog. After searching through all the dogs, they come across Dave. Dave is everything they are looking for in a dog. As they are leaving the animal shelter, they see Rosie, an old, gray dog. They want to take Rosie too, if they could.

Dave cried all through his first night with Kate's family. The family could hardly sleep because they were thinking about Rosie. The next morning, without eating breakfast, they return to the animal shelter to get Rosie! Finally they are all together. Not only does Kate get a pup, but she gets two pups!

The characters are different in the sense that the mom has a tattoo and a nose ring, and the dad has his ears pierced. The book portrays another image of a family that makes up many children's families.

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