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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Diveisty Picture Book: The Other Side

The Other Side (2001)
Written by Jacqueline Woodson
Illustrated by E.B. Lewis
The book The Other Side tells the story of two young girls, one white and one black, who live out in the country. Between their houses is on old, wooden fence. Each of the girls' mothers tell them not to go on the other side of the fence. The story is told from the point of view of Clover, the young black girl, who wonders why Annie sits on the fence everyday. Annie just sits there and watches Clover play with other young black girls. One day Clover goes up to the fence, and Annie says "Hello". They both discuss how each of their mothers will not let them cross the fence. The decide that they could sit on the fence since their mothers never said they could not. For the entire summer, Clover and Annie sat on the fence. One day Clover's friends ask if they wanted to jump rope. Both of the girls hopped of the fence, and Annie and Clover jumped rope. I am reminded of my very best friend when I was six years old. Her name was Erica and we played everyday, rain or shine. We played outside, at my house, or at her house. Never once did our parents oppose to the friendship. I can only imagine how lonely and sad my childhood would have been without Erica. I am fortunate that a "fence" did not separate our beautiful friendship. This is a wonderful book describing how life was like in the 50's. Based on the illustrations and clothes worn by the characters, I inferred this was the time period of the book.  It amazes me that even to this day, 60 years since then, that situations are still faced by children like Clover and Annie. Perhaps if we incorporate more books of this caliber, we can help children to see past labels and skin color. This is a book that shows diversity in a way that can be understood by a young reader. Instead of waiting for Black History Month, teachers and LMS need to use these books regurally in the curriculum.

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